The routing software says we should sail west of our intermediate waypoint and come in from there, but I'm hoping having more Easting under out belt will make any East wind we encounter easier to sail (the prediction for tomorrow is East wind at 20 kts).
Speaking of the "Intermediate Waypoint"... this is a spot out in the Pacific close to the Southern edge of the Pacific High. Two weeks ago when we were at Molokai, this was at 30 N 130 W. Now it's more like 35 N 145 W. That's both good and bad. Good because to get to 35-145 it is further off the wind, but bad because 35 N is a little more risky place to be in the middle of winter. The Pacific High will protect us from any storms that come in from the West, as long as it doesn't collapse. If we get up to 35-145 and the High dissipates we will no doubt be in for a spanking from the South West. If not, we're safe from all the crazy winds and the only thing we have to do is motor across to the Eastern edge of the High where we will find the North winds that will take us to Mexico.
Today NAKIA exited the tropics for the first time since fall of 2008. Time to get out the long johns.
{GMST}23|3|N|150|2|W|Hawaii to Mexico Day 4|Day 4{GEND}