John put the drifter (light air sail) up yesterday and we went slow ( < 3 knots) for several hours. He also decided that we probably shouldn't have tacked and made all that northing since the forecast is for light winds all the way to the coast. We don't want to be sailing dead downwind in light air, it would be better to be reaching. So we're sailing a little south of our course today to get into a more favorable position.
As I suspected would happen, we are losing voice communications with the Pacific Seafarers Net. Night before last they couldn't hear John and last night he couldn't hear any of them. But he continues to check-in with them via email so that our position is noted on YOTREPS. This morning he went looking for RSL and RSM on the Baja net, but guess we'll have to wait until we're close enough to get on the Sonrisa net before we can hear them (Hi, Jay and Janice!).
Today we had delicious hamburgers on fresh pita bread buns (thanks Hermy!), and we're enjoying another gorgeous sunny afternoon of easy sailing with better speeds (4.5-5.5 knots; yippee!)
{GMST}29|23.150|N|124|14.000|W|Hawaii to Mexico Day 22a|Day 22a{GEND}