To prepare for the 5-7 days we hope it will take us to get to the Galapagos from here I've made four PBJ sandwiches, juiced 10 oranges (before they have a chance to go bad), hard-boiled eight eggs, sliced some cheese to eat with crackers, and John is baking the oldest batch of potatoes to eat cold along the way. We still have lots of apples and veggies. That should get us over the hump of the first couple of days when we don't feel much like fixing meals. I'll probably take a Stugeron since we don't know what the sea state is going to be like, and that's usually effective for keeping me from getting sea sick. In fact I'm beginning to think it gives me the munchies since I always seem to be ravenous the first day out, which is usually the only time I have to take the drug.
For you gourmet cooks out there, we have made two cooking discoveries. The first is that you can make Kraft macaroni and cheese by cooking the pasta in two cups of water, stirring often until the water is absorbed by the pasta, then add the rest of the ingredients as usual. We like to throw in a can of pigeon peas (which we discovered in Panama) or green peas to make a complete meal. It may be a little gummier than normal but it's nice to know we can make it without wasting a drop of fresh water! The second is something we picked up from Lanikai, called a rice bowl. Chop up whatever veggies and anything else you have on hand (we don't eat much meat), saute in a sauce pan, add two cups of water, bring to a boil, add one cup of rice, and cook until done. It's a one pan, one bowl meal, and is great for something hot to eat when you're on passage.
Linda and John