We left Kwatsi Bay this morning at 0800 to avoid the west wind that can come up in the Tribune Channel. The problem was that leaving so early we had to deal with pretty dense fog. Another 'video game and opaque void' drill, and we eventually just shut off the engine and let NAKIA drift mid-channel until finally the fog lifted and we could see where we were going. Hope we didn't miss anything good along the way.
Kwatsi Bay was very nice but I have to wonder if it wasn't nicer a few years ago before the "Marina" went in. It was pretty interesting to talk to the owner (actually he did all the talking, I just listened). He went on and on about fish farms and other "resource consumers" and the hypocrisy of his opinions never seemed to dawn on him. Kwatsi Bay was once unspoiled, having never been logged or settled. Then this guy comes along and goes through the hoops to put a house on shore and build a marina (in one of the better anchorages) and the place is now just another spot for yacht club cruise outs.
Since I'm on a soap box... It seems to me people aren't as friendly this time as they were in 1997. I'm sure a lot of it has to do with the fact that we're here much later than we were last time (July as opposed to May). I guess we'll have to put forth some extra effort to make friends.
Yay! It's happy hour. For the first time in weeks I might add. I was just saying to Linda that I wish we had some ice so we could have a rum and coke and she surprised me by pulling a small tupperware of ice out of the freezer. I hope we don't get too wild and crazy. :-)
We're anchored tonight in Shoal Harbour which is near Echo Bay resort (I'm not sure, but I bet they have a web site; look them up and you'll see where we are). Shoal Harbour is almost an exact opposite of the anchorage we just left. Kwatsi Bay was deep, 65 ft where we dropped the anchor where as Shoal Harbour is, well shoal. :-) Today we dropped the anchor in 11' at low tide, though there are places where it is shallower.
We'll be here for a couple of days since the fishing is supposed to be very good in the area (though the guy at Echo Bay marina said there's not much catching going on). We'll see.
Late breaking news! It appears there was at least one crab of keeper size left in Canada. Our trap placed in the head of Shoal Harbour produced about 8 crab, one keeper. Linda and I split it between the two of us. Hopefully we can find at least one more before we leave for SF. Then we will have only spent $50 on the two of them (the fishing license having cost us over $100).