After several days of clear, warm, sunny weather it's finally taken a turn for the worse. This time it's not rain that's got us hunkered down, it's wind. There's a gale warning out for the entire north coast of BC so we're holed up in Waddington Bay waiting for something to change.
We moved here from Shoal Harbour this morning, only about six miles but we had to battle wind the whole way. I thought this anchorage would be more protected but it seems that is not the case. Our spot in Shoal Harbour was a little more protected and a lot less crowded.
On the positive side, this being Sunday we had our "special breakfast:" pancakes with Mrs. Butterworth's syrup. The pancakes were made with the mix (Bette's Ocean Diner) Rick gave us and man are they good. Also, before leaving Shoal Harbour I checked the crab trap and there was another keeper (that makes 4 total; there were two more since my last post). This one we cooked before leaving and when we arrived at Waddington Bay Linda made great crab salad sandwiches! Of course during lunch cleanup the galley foot pump decided to blow a gasket. So we spent the afternoon getting the rebuild kit out from under the pullman berth and installing it. At least it was a nice workout after our rather rich lunch.
For dinner we tried something new. I had caught a large rockfish the other morning from which I got about 3/4 of a pound of fillets. (Usually we don't eat rockfish because they are mostly head and don't have much meat on them, this one was an exception.) I cooked the fillets on the griddle after marinating them in olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper. We had them with pinto beans, Spanish rice and salsa. All wrapped up in fresh corn tortillas which I made using the tortilla press Linda gave me for my birthday. Fish tacos in Canada!
The weather forecast sounds like we'll be here for awhile, but that's ok. There are plenty of places to catch fish in the area, including the anchorage I'm sure, so maybe we'll have fish tacos again or maybe I'll get lucky and catch a salmon for once. Either way there's plenty to do here without going far.