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Sunday, November 09, 2008

Punta Galera

00 degrees 49.405 minutes N
80 degrees 02.759 minutes W

The decision to stop at Punta Pedernales was a very poor one in hindsight. The anchorage near the fishing pangas is terrible. There's no protection from the west swell and the wind never let up. On top of that not all the locals are friendly. Both boats made the choice to leave shortly after midnight.

Sarana's batteries are shot so for them running at night means motor-sailing in order to have enough juice for things like lights and electronics. Nakia was able to sail the entire distance once we were well clear of the Pedernales anchorage. We made good time and reached Punta Galera by 10:30 AM. We ate a late breakfast and got some much needed sleep.

Although there is some swell at low tide we are much more comfortable here and the fishermen assure us that it is a safe anchorage. We are anchored off of the panga boats and their corresponding support village. The pangas go out in the late afternoon with three men to each boat, set their nets 50 miles off shore, and return at dawn with their catch. This morning we admired one dorado, one marlin, one tuna, and a skipjack for the sum total of a night's work for one boat. The men unload their catch to trucks waiting on the beach and then anchor their pangas outside the surf line.

It's lovely and calm here but with no national cruising zarpe and expired visas we have to move on before our presence attracts too much notice by local authorities.

Linda and John
